#Conference: Šmahaj, J., Zielina, M., Javůrková, A., Raudenská, J., Zajíček, R., Doležal, D., Pohořelský Z. (2021) The use of elements of fully immersive virtual reality and the creation of a therapeutic game in the management of procedural pain in patients with burn trauma – project in progress. PhD existence 11 Czech & Slovak Psychological Conference (Not Only) For Postgraduates And About Postgraduates. Palacký University, Olomouc.
(more…)#Conference Proceedings: Šmahaj, J., Zielina, M., Javůrková, A., Raudenská, J., Zajíček, R., Doležal, D., Pohořelský Z. (2021) The use of elements of fully immersive virtual reality and the creation of a therapeutic game in the management of procedural pain in patients with burn trauma – project in progress. In E. Aigelová, L. Viktorová, & M. Dolejš, PhD existence 11 Czech & Slovak Psychological Conference (Not Only) For Postgraduates And About Postgraduates. (224-248). Publishing house of Palacký University Olomouc.